Saturday, July 5, 2014

My Fitness Journey

One year ago, I would have never imagined talking about this subject. Fitness was not really a part of my life until this year, and that’s because I let it be that way.

I played a couple of sports in high school, and I thought I was in decent shape back then. I played tennis and ran track, and I was the film tech and trainer for the football team as well as the manager of the boys’ basketball team. I was also in a plethora of extracurricular activities, so I was always on the go.

I’ve always been a “husky” kid, or as my family says it “gordito.” I weighed over 100 pounds by the time I reached 4th grade, and in a way I’ve always felt the effect of my weight. Over the years, I grew to not like my body because I was heavier than most of my friends. By the time I graduated high school, I weighed about 195 pounds, but it didn’t show too much until I was in summer attire. I would have been in better shape if I had stayed in the athletic period, but my decision to join the yearbook staff left me choosing between them.

During the first semester of college, I managed to gain over 20 pounds. It was awful; I was looking bloated all the time. I had like 3 necks, and everything was fitting me tighter. By Christmas, I had weighed over 220 pounds. It became real to me that this was a problem when my jeans that I was always wearing in high school no longer fit, and when I say they didn’t fit, they could barely button.

I made a new year’s resolution to make a change about this problem, and with the help of some of my roommates, I was able to get back in the gym and truly start working out again. It was difficult at first, and eating healthy became a challenge. I soon began loving going to work out, and I was constantly playing games of racquetball, indoor and outdoor volleyball, and some Frisbee. I was finally active again, no longer being lazy when I had free time, but rather doing some exercise, and that was a serious difference in my first and second semesters.

By the time I finished my first year, the 20+ pounds that I had gained were gone, and now I am working on developing my body even more. I am more self-motivated to be in the best shape of my life, and I am feeling more confident each and every time I hit the gym or do some physical activity. I love the phrase “you look good,” and thanks to my dedication and plan to stick with fitness, I’ve been hearing that more and more recently.

Getting in shape was a decision that saved my health. I am so happy with my results, and with more dedication and determination, I will continue to shape my body like no other. I may not look like some of those fitness models on the magazines, but step-by-step I am improving my body which in the end will look better than that “husky” kid a few years ago who did nothing.

In Christ,